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- STEM Center
What is STEM? Science + Technology + Engineering + Math
CCC STEM education nurtures today's inquisitive and inquiring minds producing tomorrow's innovators and inventors. Our STEM Center is located in Pauling 165 and designed to give our CCC students the help and support needed so they look forward to giving back.
The mission of the STEM Center is to:
- Provide an educational center of information and resources for both students and faculty
- Encourage a vibrant, on-campus STEM Community of both students and faculty
- Raise the quality of CCC STEM education through continued interdisciplinary initiatives and healthy exchange of ideas
Upcoming events
Oct 23 2024
STEM Talk Oct. 23
Molly Nause-McCord of the City of Portland Sewer Maintenance Group will speak at a STEM Talk Oct. 23, 5-6 p.m. in Pauling 165 and via Zoom. In "My Career in Civil Engineering: Sewer Rats and Robots," she'll share insights from her career as an engineer, types of engineering and her journey from having pet rats to chasing them with high-end inspection equipment.
Questions? Contact Tory Blackwell at toryb@clackamas.edu.

STEM Activities
The STEM Club has weekly meetings of extensive activities, tours, and service. An officer from each area (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) organizes a weekly interactive demonstration or activity, engaging students from different backgrounds. The club has served as a place for like-minded students to meet each other each week, forming a learning community and friendships.
STEM Club Meetings
When: Monday
Time: 3-4 p.m.
Where: Pauling 165
How to contact: cccstemclub@clackamas.edu

Faculty Advisor: Eric Lee, Engineering Faculty
E-mail: elee@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-6163
Office: DeJardin Hall 212
The STEM Reading Group is an opportunity for students across all STEM fields to connect with peers and instructors and to learn about topics that might not be covered in regular courses but are relevant to degree programs and careers in the STEM fields. Over the course of a quarter, students read and discuss a text as a group, facilitated by an instructor.
The texts are lay-accessible, so no specific coursework is necessary as a prerequisite. They cover topics that are relevant across disciplinary boundaries: for example, James Gleick's "Chaos" spans fractal mathematics, weather forecasting, Newtonian physics, population biology, and more. The group fosters a welcoming interdisciplinary community to which students can belong and actively contribute, connecting them outside the classroom setting and deepening their perspectives on a variety of scientific topics.
Faculty Advisor: George Burgess, Chemistry Faculty
E-mail: george.burgess@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3347
Office: DeJardin Hall 222
Interested in learning about the many careers available in STEM fields? Want to hear from professionals in their field? Have questions about STEM careers? Attend a STEM Talk. Each STEM Talk has a 30 minute Meet and Greet prior to the presentation and time after the presentation to ask questions, to exchange ideas, and to network. STEM Talks are typically scheduled twice a term.

Contact: Mark Yannotta, STEM Enrichment Coordinator
E-mail: marky@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3335
Office: Streeter 119
STEM Appreciation Day is an opportunity for CCC STEM students to share their work and ideas with the college community. The event brings student awareness to the different STEM disciplines and courses available on our campus. A recognition ceremony is part of the event, during which awards are given to STEM club and EXITO scholars and the new EXITO scholar cohort is announced. Family is invited and encouraged to attend, since supporting our STEM students often starts at home. STEM Appreciation Day takes place in last week of May.

Contact: Tory Blackwell, Biology Faculty
E-mail: toryb@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3646
Office: DeJardin Hall 225
STEM Support
CCC has two dedicated STEM study spaces. The Dye Learning Center is the home to our free tutoring services, including the Math Lab and the Writing Center. STEM students can be found forming study groups in the Math Lab, taking advantage of the welcoming space, the whiteboards, the knowledgeable tutors, and the availability of textbooks. The computers in this area are loaded with a variety of software that is needed in the STEM courses. Computer science majors can compile their code, engineers can experiment with Arduino boards, and other powerful tools like Matlab are available.
Once students understand the math and/or science content of an assignment, they can make an appointment with the Writing Center to work on properly formatting and organizing their lab reports. The Writing Center can also help perfect a student's scholarship essays and make the most of cover letters for college/internship applications. Whenever possible, the Writing tutors and STEM tutors will team together so students get the most thorough help available.
The second STEM study space is called the STEM Center and is located in Pauling 165. The space is full of whiteboards and group study spaces, along with snacks, a refrigerator, and a microwave. Many instructors hold their student hours in the space as well.

Contact: Berri Hsaio, Math Faculty and Co-coordinator of the Learning Center
Email: berri.hsaio@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3542
Office: Streeter 116

Contact: Josh Aman, Tutoring and Academic Computer Lab Coordinator
Email: josh.aman@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3070
Office: Dye 127
The STEM Academic and Career Coach serves students who are pursing the Associates of Science transfer degrees for PSU, OSU, U of O, George Fox and Oregon Tech. Our STEM Coach can help you select the right courses for your major, thus saving you time and money in completion of your degree. Our STEM Coach can also assist with career counseling, transfer information, and referrals to other campus services such as counseling, financial aid, and tutoring. We strongly encourage you to schedule an advising appointment with our knowledgeable STEM Coach.
Email: advising@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3475
Office: Wacheno Welcome Center (Oregon City), Harmony West
Watch your calendar for:
- PSU Transfer Day
- OSU Transfer Day
Email: advising@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3475
Office: Wacheno Welcome Center (Oregon City), Harmony West
STEM Resources
Calgator is a unified calendar for the tech community in the Portland metro area. Posted events include conferences, classes, informal meet-ups based around a hobby or interest (like virtual reality, podcasts, or a particular programming language). Students can either peruse what is coming up or search by topic. Many of the events are free and are wonderful networking and educational opportunities.
Contact: Jen Miller, Computer Science Faculty
E-mail: jen.miller@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3138
Office: Streeter 127
Second year Computer Science students are encouraged to build an online presence by posting their projects on GitHub. GitHub is a site where code can be hosted and even shared with and reviewed by other developers. Posting samples on GitHub for public review is a great resume builder.
Contact: Jen Miller, Computer Science Faculty
E-mail: jen.miller@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3138
Office: Streeter 127
MTH-205 is a “bridge course” designed to help students transition from computation-based mathematics to the more proof-based curriculum typical of junior-senior collegiate mathematics-level courses. Topics include: group theory, elementary set theory, proof, and argumentation. Typically offered winter term.

Contact: Mark Yannotta, Math Faculty
E-mail: marky@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3335
Office: Streeter 119
There are many field trip opportunities offered in the Biology Department. Class field trips are offered in the following Biology courses: BI-165C Natural History of the Oregon Coast, BI-165CL Natural History/Oregon Coast Lab, BI-165D Natural History of the Western Deserts, and BI-165T Natural History of Tropical Ecosystems.

Contact: Jennifer Bown, Biology Faculty
E-mail: jenb@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3348
Office: DeJardin Hall 224
For class field trip information in BI-160L Bird ID and Taxonomy Lab, please email cccbirdingclub@gmail.com.
As part of the Introduction to Engineering (ENGR-111) course, there is a class field trip to visit PSU's Maseeh Engineering Building. Led by student ambassadors, there is a tour of the engineering building to see several active undergraduate research labs. The tour includes an interactive meeting with a panel of former CCC students who have transferred to PSU's engineering school.

Contact: Eric Lee, Engineering Faculty
E-mail: elee@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-6163
Office: DeJardin Hall 212
STEM Opportunities
One of the most rewarding jobs a STEM student can have is as a Learning Center Tutor or Peer Mentor. Give back to the STEM community by helping your peers build the confidence and strategies necessary to succeed in math, science, or technology. Make connections with fellow tutors and faculty at CCC. Keep your skills sharpened by working with students at all levels of the learning process. On top of everything, this is a great resume builder! Hiring typically begins mid-winter term for the following academic year. Visit the Tutoring page for more information.

Contact: Berri Hsaio, Math Faculty and Co-coordinator of the Learning Center
Email: berri.hsaio@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3542
Office: Streeter 116

Contact: Josh Aman, Tutoring and Academic Computer Lab Coordinator
Email: josh.aman@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3070
Office: Dye 127
The EXITO Scholar Build Program, a scholarship funded by the National Institutes of Health and in collaboration with PSU and eight other regional partners, is a program designed to help bridge the gap in diversity currently present in science. The program has an emphasis on bio-medicine related to community health and supports students pursuing four year degrees in programs that can lead to advanced degrees and careers in research. Although monetary support is involved, the primary support mechanisms are networks to help ensure students are progressing in their coursework and can be successful once they reach PSU. As part of the program, students are matched with a career mentor, a peer mentor, and a research mentor that can all provide additional information and support to help EXITO scholars become successful researchers.
Application Information: BUILD EXITO Homepage at Portland State University
Need help with application process? Contact Tory Blackwell below.

Contact: Tory Blackwell, Biology Faculty
E-mail: toryb@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3646
Office: DeJardin Hall 225
MECOP (Multiple Engineering Co-Op Program) is a paid engineering and computer science internship program designed to enhance and expand industry driven internships in cooperation with Oregon universities. The objective is to provide the highest quality interns for northwest industries and applicable real-world work experience for students. Application period is the month of March.
Look for more information during these upcoming on campus sessions.
- Session #1 beginning of March: An engineer who sits on the interview committee and hires MECOP interns will give a presentation on the MECOP Program and what to expect in your internship placement
- Session #2 mid-March: The director of internship and job placements for PSU’s engineering division will give advice on how to write your MECOP application
- Session #3 mid-April: The director of internship and job placements for PSU’s engineering division will give advice on how to prepare for your MECOP interview
For more information, visit the MECOP website.

Faculty Advisor: Eric Lee, Engineering Faculty
E-mail: elee@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-6163
Office: DeJardin Hall 212
InventOR is an exciting competition for student innovators and entrepreneurs across the state. Undergraduate and graduate students from Oregon universities and community colleges are competing for $80,000 in prizes to fund their innovative ideas!
Do you have an inspired solution to one of the most pressing problems in your community? Pitch your idea, build your prototype, and then show off the finished product for a chance to win development grants and prizes. Online applications are now being accepted.
The first round proposals are due March 12, and the top six proposals will be funded $200 each to produce a preliminary prototype. The theme for this year is “The Great Outdoors Challenge.” Any invention that can be used outside will be considered! The top two winners in the college-wide contest will receive an additional $2,500 to build a full scale prototype of their innovation and will compete in the statewide competition against students at other universities and community colleges at the end of June.
For more details, visit www.inventoregon.org.
Invent Oregon 2020: Broadway To Go Interviews

Faculty Advisor: Eric Lee, Engineering Faculty
E-mail: elee@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-6163
Office: DeJardin Hall 212
- CCI (Community College Internships)
- McNair Scholars Program
- NASA Aerospace Scholars Program
- National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates
- OMSI Internships
- OSU LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) Office
- PSU LSAMP (Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation) Office
- Pathways To Science Summer Research Programs
- REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)
- On Campus: TechHire
- Off Campus: Indeed
- Off Campus: OMSI Work Study
Email: advising@clackamas.edu
Phone: 503-594-3475
Office: Wacheno Welcome Center (Oregon City), Harmony West