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Reporting an incident
Deciding to make a formal report, either to the college or law enforcement, and choosing how to proceed afterward can be difficult decisions. The college supports and encourages prompt reporting of sexual assault, gender-based harassment, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking. A report can be made by anyone who knows about an incident.
At the time a report is made, you don't need not know whether you wish to request any particular course of action, nor how to label what happened. Choosing to make a complaint, and deciding how to proceed after making the complaint, can be a process that unfolds over time.
Reporting an incident
CCC encourages all individuals to make a report to the college and to local law enforcement. These options are not mutually exclusive; both internal and criminal reports may be pursued simultaneously.
Anyone with knowledge about an incident is strongly encouraged to make a report as soon as possible, though a report can be made at any time. A delay in reporting may impact the college's ability to respond promptly and effectively or to take disciplinary action against an individual.
The college may implement interim measures as appropriate for the individuals or organizations involved and for the larger college community. Even when an individual does not specifically request that protective action be taken, the college may choose to impose interim measures at its discretion to better protect the safety of any individual, the broader college community or the integrity of the review process.
Interim measures may include but are not limited to:
- Access to counseling and support resources
- Support and assistance with requests for academic accommodations, including extensions, rescheduling of exams and withdrawals
- Changes in academic schedules
- Changes in campus work schedules
- Implementation of a "no contact order" or trespass letter
- Restrictions on team or organization participation or activity
To request interim measures, contact the Title IX coordinator.
The college strongly encourages a reporting person to file a report with local law enforcement. The Office of Campus Safety can meet with a reporting person to answer questions about the criminal reporting process.
Contact Campus Safety at 503-594-6650 for assistance with making a report to law enforcement.
The criminal process is separate from the CCC student disciplinary process. A reporting person can pursue one or both options, or neither option. The college will assist the reporting person to file a report and collaborate with law enforcement.
The Title IX coordinator, the Department of Campus Safety and the CARE/Conduct team will provide reporting persons with information concerning their options and rights and will assist them in making reports to law enforcement if desired.
The college encourages individuals to make a report or file a complaint with the Title IX coordinator. If an individual chooses to move forward with a formal complaint, the Title IX coordinator will work with the CARE Team and the college's associate deans to initiate the college's disciplinary process and investigation.
An individual can also report directly to the Department of Campus Safety or the CARE Team. If the report is received by the Department of Safety and Security or the Office of Judicial Affairs, they will promptly notify the Title IX coordinator.
Any individual may make a report concerning an act of sexual harassment, sexual violence, domestic violence, dating violence or stalking. An individual may report the incident without disclosing their name, identifying the responding person, or requesting any action. Depending on the extent of information available, the college's ability to respond to an anonymous report may be limited.
The Title IX coordinator will receive the information from the report and will determine any appropriate response, including individual or community remedies.