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CCC Associated Student Government
Be a student leader at CCC! The members of Clackamas Community College's Associated Student Government (ASG) have a passion for serving others. They spend the year coordinating services and activities at the college and representing the student body at the college levels.
The ASG serves students in many ways, including offering grants and a free food pantry. They also host fun activities throughout the year to inspire student involvement and engagement.
Grants are available for veterans, child care, transportation, textbooks and fees.
MEETINGS: ASG meetings are open to all students. During the academic year, ASG meetings take place on Wednesdays, 3-5 p.m (in person or online). Email asgprez@clackamas.edu for the location or link.
Wellness Month
May is Wellness Month. Watch this space for fun ASG events you can participate in throughout the month of May.
May 29 2025
Dodgeball Tournament
Thursday, May 29, 2:30 - 5:30 p.m. | Randall Hall Gym, Oregon City campus
Sign up your team by April 25 and join us for ASG’s Second Annual Dodgeball Tournament. Watch teams compete for bragging rights and a chance to win prizes during his fun bracket tournament. Open to students, staff and faculty!
Contact ASG
- Office location: Wacheno Welcome Center, room 160, Mon.-Thurs. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
- President: asgprez@clackamas.edu
- Vice president: asgvp@clackamas.edu
- Secretary/Admin department: asgadmin@clackamas.edu
- Campus Affairs: asgcampact@clackamas.edu
- Clubs: asgclubs@clackamas.edu
- Community Wellness: asgoutreach@clackamas.edu
- Grants: asggrants@clackamas.edu
- Multicultural Center: mcambassadors@clackamas.edu
- Promotions: asgpromo@clackamas.edu
Associated Student Government
ASG needs you!
ASG is looking for members to support the student body! With incentives like tuition waivers and book stipends, you can help pay for your education while gaining leadership skills that help in school and real life. If you think you have what it takes to be a student leader, ASG wants you on its team!
Seven reasons you're the perfect fit for ASG
- You're a people-person who enjoys helping others
- You've got fresh and creative ideas
- You're a team player
- You want to gain leadership skills
- You want a say in what happens on campus
- You want to make a positive impact on your fellow students’ college experience
Fill out the ASG Application.
An ASG member will contact you regarding your application.
For more information about requirements, responsibilities and compensation, please refer to this Information Sheet.
Oregon City campus
The Free Food Pantry is open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. for shopping. Dry goods, dairy and other refrigerated and frozen items are available, as well as fresh produce. Contact asgfrontdesk@clackamas.edu with any questions.
Harmony campus
The Food Pantry is regularly stocked with dry goods, meat, produce and other refrigerated and frozen items. It is open for shopping Mondays and Thursdays, 2-7 p.m., and Tuesdays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Contact harmonyrc@clackamas.edu with any questions.
Wilsonville campus
The food pantry is open Monday-Thursday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., and is stocked with pantry staples, meat and other refrigerated and frozen items. Please check in at the front desk to shop the pantry. Contact wilsonvilleinfo@clackamas.edu with any questions.
CCC's student government offers a variety of small grants to help students meet their goals and graduate. The funds are provided thanks to donations to the college's Foundation, as well as ASG and Horticulture Department fundraisers. Applications are accepted online before each term.
Grant recipients are selected through an evaluation process based on many factors, including financial need, grades, credit hours and more. The amount of money awarded varies due to the number of applicants and the funds available. Receiving a grant one term does not guarantee that you will receive a grant another term. Not everyone who applies will receive one.
Please note: Federal financial aid regulations require you to report any sources of income or assistance that you receive during the school year that total $100 or more to the Student Financial Aid Office. If you have questions about the impact of the grant on your aid package, please contact the Financial Aid Office in Roger Rook Hall or call 503-594-6100.
Be prepared before beginning the grant application! There is no way to save the application after you've started, so please gather the following information before you begin.
Income: total household employment, public assistance, veterans' benefits, child support, alimony and any other income not mentioned.
Please type one to two paragraphs per question in another program and copy and paste into the application.
- From a financial standpoint, what impact would this grant have on your education?
- What are your educational goals or career objectives after CCC?
- Discuss a special attribute or accomplishment that sets you apart.
- What would you do if you didn't receive a grant this term?
- Additional question for transportation grant applicants: In which category do you plan to use the grant?(Transit, bicycle, or carpool?)
Funds are distributed as a reimbursement (receipt required). Eligible expenses include, local bus tickets (TriMet, SCTD, CAT, SMART) bicycle repair, parts or maintenance, bike locks, gift cards for gas purchases for carpooling through Get There Oregon.
The Textbook Grant money may be used in the CCC Bookstore or as a reimbursement for textbook purchases or rentals (receipts required for reimbursement). Money awarded from the Textbook Grant can only be used to purchase or rent textbooks. School supplies are not covered.
Child care
In order to be eligible for a grant, your child(ren) must be placed with a state certified and approved child care provider or facility. Only one grant can be awarded per child in a family.
The Fees Grant money may be used as needed for educational expenses. Funds will be administered through Financial Aid in your student account.
Proceeds from the Horticulture Department's Urban Agriculture Farmers Market funds this grant.
The Veteran Grant money may be as a reimbursement for textbook purchases or rentals (receipts required for reimbursement). Money awarded from the Veteran Grant can only be used to purchase or rent textbooks. School supplies are not covered.
Materials Grant
Up to $50 for course materials including books, calculators, art supplies, etc.
Gas cards
For a $100 towards gas (sent as an e-gift card).
For $100 towards your student account balance.
- Housing: Clackamas Housing Authority
- Alcohol Anonymous (AA) Meetings
- Narcotics Anonymous (NA) Meetings
- Oregon Health Plan (OHP)
- Blood drives
- Volunteer opportunities
- Road clean-ups
- Food drives
- Clothing drives
- Awareness events
Voter Registration Information
ASG staff can provide a voter registration card any time of year or show you how you can submit your registration online.
Fax Service
Need to send a document via fax? Local numbers are .50 a page and long distance are $1 for the first page, .50 each additional page. Cash only. For more information, contact the ASG office.
Lost and Found
If you've lost property, contact ASG. Found property that has not been claimed after 30 days may be donated to a charitable organization. Please contact ASG to turn in a found item as well.
To request a Chromebook, laptop, hotspot or calculator, please complete this application form. Note that we have a limited supply of items, so the device you request might not be available. For questions, contact the ASG office at ASGFrontDesk@clackamas.edu or 503-594-3040.
ASG Job Descriptions
The President is the team leader, and is responsible for goal setting and team leadership. To ensure this is accomplished, the President provides the following:
- Team leadership: be a good role model for the team, set goals, support your members, communicate often and clearly with the team
- Representation: the president is the outward and upward face of the student body to the Administration and the community. Speak up and ask questions.
Job description
The Associated Student Government (ASG) President guides the team in goal setting, leads the weekly ASG meetings, Cabinet meetings (with all chairs), and Executive meetings (with Vice President [VP] and Secretary). In addition, the ASG President is the student voice on the Clackamas Community College (CCC) Board of Education, President's Council, and various other representative duties as needed.
Presidential duties
- Chair the ASG meeting: lead the meeting, set expectations for behavior, voting process, and participation. Work with Secretary to make sure agenda is set before the meeting. Keep the meeting rolling and on track.
- Hold Cabinet meetings weekly with the ASG Chairs to discuss personnel, events, vote on small funding requests, and check in with department leaders.
- Hold Executive meetings with the VP and Secretary to work out goals, vote on absences (if any), work out the agenda, etc.
- Represent the student body at meetings: you are the student voice to the administration
- Attend and support ASG team events and initiatives
- Sets goals with the team
- Leadership: the team will look to you for attitude, presence, and leadership. Be a good role model in your interactions, how you act at meetings, and in how you communicate.
- Public speaking: you have a few public speaking assignments through the year, but the main ones are: In Service, Student Leadership Banquet, and Graduation (don’t worry, there is plenty of help with polishing your thoughts and ideas)
- View the ASG Constitution for additional information on the Presidential role.
The Vice President is a team leader, and is responsible for hiring, training, and evaluation, as well as elections and as a back up to the president. To ensure this is accomplished, the Vice President provides the following:
- Team leadership: be a good role model for the team, support all members, build the team through good recruitment and hiring practices, communicate often and clearly with the team
- Representation: the Vice President is the representative to the Clackamas Community College (CCC) Foundation (the fundraising body for the college).
Job description
The Associated Student Government (ASG) Vice President (VP) maintains the working functions for the team including recruitment, interviewing and hiring new members, and evaluation of the ASG team, is available to run meetings or represent ASG in case of the president’s absence, and sits on the CCC Foundation Board and other representative duties as needed. The VP also runs elections for the following year’s President and VP.
Vice Presidential duties
- Personnel
- Recruitment: to build the team, you need to recruit! Go out and meet students, invite them to join. Look for student groups that are not represented yet (veterans, returning students, etc. find people who don’t look like you!)
- Hiring: follow established guidelines for interviewing, communicating, and hiring
- Evaluations: each term do evaluations…your job is to collect and summarize them and schedule evaluation meetings for the team.
- Office hours: set expectations for tracking hours. Train members on how to use the Clockify system
- Elections: election procedures and timelines are outlined in the constitution and bylaws.
- Foundation representative: the Foundation meets once per term, and you are the student representative for this fundraising group.
- Student Leadership Banquet: the VP helps with the planning of this annual event celebrating student leaders,
The Secretary/Administrative department exists to support Associated Student Government (ASG) as a whole and the Executive Team in particular with communication, tracking, budgets and events. To ensure this is accomplished, the Secretary/Administrative department provides the following:
- Meeting minutes/agenda: Weekly meeting agenda and minutes for the ASG meeting on Wednesdays
- Budget: tracking appropriations (funding requests) and purchases related to events and ASG functions
- Onboarding: as members are hired, getting waivers signed and arranging for general ASG orientation
- Paperwork/filing: the Secretary is the record keeper for ASG, so filing, organizing and tracking paperwork for the team is necessary
- Committee representation: ASG members have the privilege of representing the student voice on college committees. The Secretary organizes the schedule and makes sure members know about upcoming committees, and gets people signed up to attend and report back
- Communication/calendar: overall communication between all departments is important. The Secretary sends out reminders to the team and keeps the monthly calendar up to date with events, meetings, and dates to remember.
- If departments lose a chair, the Secretary might take over as chair of a department until the position is filled.
Job description
The Secretary is part of the Executive Council, and is in charge of the agenda, meeting minutes and the budget. The Secretary maintains records and in general helps keep the team running smoothly. The Secretary also connects ASG members to Clackamas Community College (CCC) committees, tracks attendance, and other duties as needed.
- Secretary/Chair: directs the team, sets tasks
- Officer and Senator: Supports team goals
The Campus Affairs department exists to provide events to promote a sense of community, fun, and service. To ensure this is accomplished, the Campus Affairs department provides the following:
- Social events: bring students together to have some fun and build a sense of community.
- Holiday celebrations: seasonal observances to celebrate.
- Voter registration and education: give students and employees the opportunity to register, update registration, and to be educated on issues and candidates.
Job description
The Campus Affairs department sets goals, plans and promotes community building programming (examples include but are not limited to: ski bus, online campfire, costume contest, game night, zoom trivia or game night, book club, Thankfulness Tree, and more), and promotes voter registration and education.
- Chair: directs the team, sets tasks
- Officer and Senator: supports team goals
The Clubs department exists to ensure clubs can start, operate, and transition well. To ensure this is accomplished the Clubs department provides the following:
- Club start up or renewals: The Clubs department gives assistance with filing paperwork, encourages clubs to renew or to start, brings clubs to the Associated Student Government (ASG) meeting for a vote, and in all other ways provides support during the startup process.
- Help clubs function: The department guides clubs through the event planning process and paperwork, promotes events and meetings though ASG channels, assists with running meetings, etc.
- Access to campus resources: as an official club, groups can reserve campus space for free, utilize resources such as duplications and marketing, and participate in club fairs or other events to promote their club. ASG and Student Life can also help clubs set up a Clackamas Community College (CCC) email, and access Zoom accounts.
- Liaison between clubs and ASG: communication is key! The Clubs department regularly communicates with clubs through email and in person to make sure clubs are up to date with campus/ASG events, and opportunities available for members.
Job description
The Clubs department sets goals, promotes and supports clubs to renew, form and maintain. Plans connection and training events such as the Clackamas Clubs Connection (CCC) maintains communication with clubs to help with event planning, transition of leadership, and promotion of clubs. Strong communication skills required.
- Chair: directs the team, sets tasks
- Officer and Senator: supports team goals
The Community Wellness department exists to create awareness and activities to connect students with issues affecting them, and to provide essential services to promote student success. To ensure this is accomplished, the Community Wellness department provides the following:
- Awareness: events that promote student engagement and awareness of issues that impact them.
- Student Needs: be attentive to student needs and concerns and how the Associated Student Government (ASG) can help.
- Community Involvement: connect to the community through volunteer projects.
- Free Food Pantry: help staff in the pantry by greeting visitors, stocking and rotating food, general cleaning and more.
Job description
The Community Wellness department sets goals, plans and promotes programming related to wellness (examples include but are not limited to: blood drive, Wellness Week, volunteer opportunities, Adopt a Road clean up, food drive, hunger and homelessness awareness, and more), and works directly with staff to operate the Free Food Pantry.
- Chair: directs the team, sets tasks
- Officer and Senator: supports team goals
The Grants department exists to assist students to access college through grants and other support as needed. To ensure this is accomplished, the Grants Department provides the following:
- Grants: in partnership with the CCC Foundation, the Grants department allocates nearly $30,000 annually to students
- Events: events to help students with additional needs, and to promote the grant program
Job description
The Grants department sets goals, promotes ASG Grants, evaluates and awards grant applications, communicates with recipients and staff, and tracks receipts and paperwork related to the disbursement of grants. Experience with Excel a plus, but not required.
- Chair: directs the team, sets tasks
- Officer and Senator: supports team goals
The Multicultural Center provides resources, services, and advocacy that address the specific needs of historically marginalized people, including international students. The MCC also hosts monthly programs and opportunities for the College community to gather and celebrate the diversity that is Clackamas Community College (CCC).
The ASG Multicultural Department supports the Multicultural Center (MCC) and MCC staff. The Multicultural Center employs ASG members and peer assistants (PAs). Working as one team with the MCC Coordinator, the ASG Multicultural department aids in MCC office coverage and college-wide programming and advocacy. In addition to the above, the Multicultural Department represents the needs and interests of MCC students through ASG-affiliated meetings and events.
Job description
The MCC Chair, Officer, and Senator work as one team with the MCC PAs and Coordinator. The entire MCC team meets each term to identify programming and educational opportunities for the College. Historically, this has looked like International Week, Black History month, and Día de los Muertos, to name a few. For ASG-specific responsibilities, please review the ASG Information Sheet.
A portion of the Multicultural department hours will be assisting with MCC office support such as answering the MCC phone and email, providing resources to students, and welcoming anyone who enters the MCC.
If you have any further questions about the Multicultural Department Chair, Officer, or Senator, please visit their webpage.
The Promotions department exists to promote and bring awareness to Associated Student Government (ASG) and its services, programs and events. To ensure this is accomplished, the Promotions department provides the following:
- Social Media Promotion: ASG has accounts with Facebook, TikTok and Instagram, it is important to keep these up to date and content rich and engaging. Think of ways to drive people to social media.
- Student Portal Announcements: specific and timely ASG announcements on the Clackamas Community College portal
- ASG Tabling at Events: for resource fairs, Welcome Week, etc., put materials together to promote ASG, events, services, etc.
- Partner with ASG Departments: work with other ASG departments to help promote events and services. This might include creating flyers or other promotional material.
- Photos: take individual photos for marketing purposes and arrange for someone to take team photos for promotions and marketing.
- Help with Student Leadership Banquet: sit as a member of the banquet committee, and work with team to develop program and invitations.
Job description
The Promotions department sets goals, promotes and supports ASG events, designs social media posts and flyers, and connects students to ASG services and events. Communication and social media skills required. Experience with Canva and plus, but not required.
- Chair: directs the team, sets tasks
- Officer and Senator: supports team goals
College hours
Most CCC departments and offices are open on the following schedule:
• Fall, winter and spring terms: Monday-Friday, 8 a.m.-5 p.m.
• Summer term: Monday-Thursday, 7:30 a.m.-5 p.m.