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Bond Measure 3-447 Highlights
In November 2014, voters in the Clackamas Community College district approved a $90-million bond measure that is being used to update and expand college classrooms and labs and modernize equipment to meet industry standards. Passage of the bond also results in CCC receiving $32 million in state matching funds.
The bond measure was developed after a two-year community engagement process, asking the community what they most valued and needed from the college today and in the future. The bond projects address the requests during this process. Career technical and transfer degrees were identified as the top two areas for strategic improvement.
Clackamas Community College has 27 buildings on three campuses in Oregon City, the Harmony Community Campus in North Clackamas and the Wilsonville Training Center. Implementation of the bond projects includes opportunities for students, area businesses and local workforce.
Bond Measure 3-447 Highlights
The goals of the bond projects are to:
- Increase local access to affordable educational programs that allow students to transfer to four-year universities or obtain training for family-wage jobs
- Train students in high-demand careers, such as nursing, engineering and manufacturing
- Update and modernize equipment so students are adequately trained to meet current industry standards
Major projects in the bond measure include:
- Harmony West
- Holden Industrial Technology Center
- DeJardin Science Addition
- Student Services/Community Commons Building
- Facilities and Campus Upgrades
These projects are designed to:
- Expand, update and modernize equipment and facilities for training in high-demand careers, including health care, science and engineering
- Improve existing buildings by replacing worn-out electrical, heating, ventilation and plumbing systems
- Replace the 61-year-old building at the Harmony Community Campus with an updated workforce development and training facility
- Improve student access to critical resources by co-locating financial aid, advising, career counseling and other services
Clackamas Community College's Citizen Oversight Committee (COC) will help oversee the implementation of Bond Measure 3-447, approved by voters on Nov. 4, 2014. The committee will:
- Receive regular reports on all bond-related projects
- Ensure the bond projects reflect the community's input and needs
- Advise on and help implement public engagement strategies
- Inform and engage constituencies, communities, businesses and civic organizations
The membership is made up of local stakeholders, community members and business partners, including members of the CCC Board of Education, students, local residents, civic officials, public safety leaders and more. The committee will be in place for five years or until the bond is fully implemented. Committee members will rotate and be asked to serve in two-year cycles. Meetings will be held up to four times per year.
For more information about the COC, contact Jenelle Vader at jenellev@clackamas.edu or 503-594-3017.
Harmony West
Harmony West will help students working toward a Health Sciences certificate or degree complete their program entirely on the Harmony campus and expand the Health Sciences programs.
The Holden Industrial Technology Center
The Holden Industrial Technology Center will expand facilities for students studying manufacturing, various technology programs, machining and other career technical education programs.
The DeJardin Science Complex
The DeJardin Science Addition will expand facilities for students studying biology, chemistry and other STEM programs.
Student Services/Community Commons
The Student Services/Community Commons building will co-locate a majority of the student support services such as financial aid, advising, career coaching, counseling, food services and many others.
Facilities and Campus Upgrades
Facilities and Campus upgrades will improve existing buildings across the three campuses by replacing worn-out electrical, heating, ventilation and plumbing systems.
More than 2,000 people completed surveys through Imagine Clackamas. CCC also conducted a random survey of 382 Clackamas County voters. The priorities for the school were similar: maintain affordable, local educational programs, increase access to high-demand careers and provide more training for family-wage jobs.
Prior to the passage of Bond Measure 3-447, the community participated in several open houses on each campus as well as heard nearly 100 reports on the bond measure. Since the passage of the bond measure, the CCC Board of Education has committed to continuing that community engagement during the life of the bond.
Voters approved a bond for $47 million in 2000 for six new buildings on the Oregon City campus. The facility at Harmony Road was completed in 2008. The projects were completed on budget.
The bond will raise $90 million by maintaining an average tax rate of $.19 per $1,000 of assessed property value. The bond will be structured to keep any initial increase as low as possible and reduce the rate to taxpayers over the life of the bond.