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Employee and Supervisor Information
Position DescriptionsBargaining Agreement, Handbooks and Recognition
Full-Time Faculty
- Full-time Faculty Bargaining Agreement
- Memorandum of Agreement, July COLA Increases
- Memorandum of Agreement, Exceptional Professional Development Funds
Associate Faculty
If you see an employee doing something for which they should be recognized, give them a Cougar Shout Out!
Just follow these steps:
- Download and complete this form
- Hit the submit button to email the form to HR (you may need to create a signature in Adobe)
Each quarter one employee from each employee association group (PTF, FTF, Classified, Administrative/Confidential, and non-represented) will be:
- Recognized in FYI Monthly/Weekly
- Receive a certificate of recognition with a copy place in their personnel file
- Have their picture taken and posted outside the HR office
- Recognized at an annual event
- Art
- Business
- Center for Teaching and Learning
- Communication and Theater Arts
- Connections with Business and Industry
- Counseling
- Education, Human Services and Criminal Justice
- English and Journalism
- English for Speakers of Other Languages
- Health, PE and Athletics
- Health Sciences
- Horticulture
- Library
- Music
- Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM)
- Skills Development
- Social Science
- Technical Career Education
- Wildland Fire
- World Languages
Procedures and Guidelines
Administrative and Supervisory Employees
The Human Resource Office will send out evaluation requests beginning in December. This process will continue thru March.
Full-Time Classified
March of each year, the Human Resource Office will send out evaluation requests for all staff who are on a regular evaluation schedule.
Notification of 90 and 180 day evaluation will be sent to supervisors in order to evaluate probationary employees. Employees will receive the job description and the probationary form to review five days prior to the evaluation.
Full-Time Faculty
The faculty evaluations process begins in August and is completed by March. Please review the FT Faculty Agreement.
Associate and Part-Time Faculty
Instructors in their first three terms of employment in a department will have student evaluations completed in at least one class per term and results submitted each term to their dean or department chair. Instructors will have an administrative evaluation upon reaching Level 2. Thereafter, instructors will have an administrative evaluation at least every three years. For additional information, refer to Article 11 of the Associate Faculty collective bargaining agreement.
- Self-Evaluation Form: Option 1
- Self-Evaluation Form: Option 2
- Self-Evaluation Form: Option 3
- Peer Observation Form: Option A
- Peer Observation Form: Option B
- Peer Observation Form: Option C
- Peer Lab Observation Form
- Peer Online Observation Form
After the self and peer evaluation information is gathered, the associate dean/department chair will summarize your performance feedback using the below rubric and form. The summative form will then be placed in your personnel file with Human Resources.
All employees of CCC are considered mandatory child abuse reporters and have a legal obligation to report suspected child abuse or abusers under Oregon law. The duty to report suspected child abuse as a mandatory reporter is a 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week responsibility. This legal duty is personal to you as a community college employee and applies whether or not you are on work time. As a community college employee, you must report when you have "reasonable cause to believe" that any child with whom you come in contact has suffered abuse or that any person with whom you come in contact has abused a child. You much immediately report the suspected abuse or abuser to local law enforcement or the local Division of Human Services office.
- Child Abuse and Sexual Conduct Definitions per ORS
- Reporting Mandatory Abuse
- Sexual Conduct Training
Please review the Frequently Asked Questions for more information.
The Federal Occupational Safety and Health Administration has revised the way employers will communicate hazardous material information to employees. In turn, Clackamas Community College is required to implement this Hazard Communication Standard for general industry to align with the Globally Harmonized System (GHS) of classification and labeling of chemicals. The keys changes in the Hazard Communication Standard affect both chemical suppliers and employers whose employees may be exposed to hazardous chemicals. As a community college that has exposure to a myriad of chemicals in various areas around campus, we are REQUIRED by Oregon OSHA to train everyone in these changes.
Here are two PDF files for you to review. You will be receiving an email from Suzy Isham, Director Campus Safety to complete the online training and testing site "Safe Colleges".
- ADA Grievance Procedure
- Child Labor Laws
- Discrimination Complaint Procedure
- Compliance Officer Melissa Richardson is located in Human Resources - Barlow Hall, B204
- Employee Rights to Organize and Bargain Collectively with Their Employers
- Faculty Assignment Contracts Procedure Guide
- FERPA Guidelines
- Hazing-Harassment-Intimidation-Bullying-Menacing Complaint
- Nondiscrimination Policy
- Telecommute Agreement