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Financial Aid Rights, Responsibilities and Resources
The Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships at Clackamas Community College is here to assist you with every step of the financial aid process. Review the following resources to stay informed about your financial aid rights and responsibilities.
Financial Aid Information
If you are eligible for aid, you have the right to:
- Expect your financial aid eligibility will be determined in an equitable manner consistent with federal regulations and institution policies.
- Be considered for those programs for which you qualify, as long as money is available.
- Receive complete information about how your financial aid eligibility was determined.
- Obtain full information about financial aid programs and pertinent regulations, policies and procedures.
- Receive information about your debt burden as a result of receiving loans.
- Receive information about monthly and total repayment options available as well as debt management strategies.
- Expect that your financial records, your parents' financial records and your award information are kept confidential in accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA).
- Expect notification of your financial aid offer and any adjustments to it.
Verifying your FAFSA
The federal government randomly selects a number of FAFSAs to undergo the verification process. This is a quality assurance tool utilized by the Department of Education to ensure students are consistently awarded the correct types and the correct amounts of aid.
The verification process
If you are selected for verification, Clackamas Community College will compare the information from your FAFSA to the corresponding items from your tax return, and any errors on your FAFSA will be corrected by our office. If clarification is needed, you will be contacted through your student email account.
Your role in verification
You will be notified of what documents our office needs in order to complete your verification. Generally, the documents that will be requested are:
- A copy of your and your parent(s)/spouse previous year federal tax return
- Copies of all your and your parent(s) previous year W-2's, if you are a dependent student
- If you did not file a tax return, a Verification of Non-Filing Letter from the IRS, unless you are a dependent student (your parents are listed on your FAFSA)
- A completed copy of either the Dependent Verification Worksheet or the Independent Verification Worksheet
You and your parent(s) should submit these documents to our office as soon as you can upon receiving notification that you were selected for verification. The sooner we receive your verification documents the sooner we can complete your verification and award financial aid. You will not be eligible to receive any financial aid until the verification process has been completed.
Contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarship at 503-594-6082 or email us at finaid@clackamas.edu if you have any questions.
Consent and Approval To Retrieve and Disclose Federal Tax Information
Consent and approval are needed to retrieve and disclose federal tax information from each participant on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA®) form. With consent and approval, we can obtain your federal tax information automatically from the IRS to help complete the FAFSA form. If consent and approval are not provided by the student and all contributors on the FAFSA form, the student will not be eligible for federal student aid, including grants and loans. All participants must provide consent and approval even if they didn’t file a U.S. federal tax return or any tax return at all.
If anyone declines consent and approval, they must provide their income information manually, and the student will not be eligible for federal student aid. Declining consent and approval prevents the U.S. Department of Education from requesting federal tax information from the IRS.
Deadlines | Summer ONLY | Fall ONLY | Winter ONLY | Spring ONLY |
Last Day of Term | Sept. 7, 2024 | Dec. 14, 2024 | March 22, 2025 | June 14, 2025 |
Last day for CCC to receive a VALID FAFSA (not rejected) | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
Last day for students to submit verification paperwork for LOANS | Aug. 23, 2024 | Nov. 29, 2024 | March 7, 2025 | May 30, 2025 |
Last day to process verification paperwork for LOANS | Aug. 31, 2024 | Dec. 7, 2024 | March 15, 2025 | June 7, 2025 |
Last day for students to submit verification paperwork for GRANTS | Dec. 22, 2024 | March 30, 2025 | July 6, 2025 | Sept. 20, 2025 |
Last Day for CCC to receive a verified FAFSA for LOANS | Aug. 16, 2024 | Nov. 22, 2024 | Feb. 28, 2025 | May 23, 2025 |
Last day for CCC to receive a verified FAFSA for GRANTS | Dec. 29, 2024 | April 6, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
Last day for CCC to submit a correction | Sept. 13, 2025 | Sept. 13, 2025 | Sept. 13, 2025 | Sept. 13, 2025 |
Last day to pay/offer aid with a valid ISIR | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 |
Deadlines | Summer/Fall | Fall/Winter | Winter/Spring | Spring ONLY |
Last day for CCC to receive a VALID FAFSA (not rejected) | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
Last day for students to submit verification paperwork for LOANS | Nov. 29, 2024 | March 7, 2025 | May 30, 2025 | May 30, 2025 |
Last day for students to submit verification paperwork for GRANTS | March 30, 2025 | July 6, 2025 | Sept. 5, 2025 | Sept. 5, 2025 |
Last Day for CCC to receive a verified FAFSA for LOANS | Nov. 22, 2024 | Feb. 28, 2025 | May 23, 2025 | May 23, 2025 |
Last day for CCC to receive a verified FAFSA for GRANTS | April 6, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
Last day for CCC to submit a correction | Sept. 13, 2024 | Sept. 13, 2024 | Sept. 13, 2024 | Sept. 13, 2024 |
Last day to pay/offer aid with a valid ISIR | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 |
Break in enrollment period | Summer/Winter | Summer/Spring | Fall/Spring |
Last day for CCC to receive a VALID FAFSA (not rejected) | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
Last day for students to submit verification paperwork for LOANS | Summer: Aug. 23, 2024 Winter: March 7, 2025 *No summer loans without continuous enrollment | Summer: Aug. 23, 2024 Spring: May 30, 2025 *No summer loans without continuous enrollment | Fall:
Nov. 29, 2024 *No summer loans without continuous enrollment |
Last day for students to submit verification paperwork for GRANTS | July 6, 2025 | Sept. 5, 2025 | Sept. 5, 2025 |
Last Day for CCC to receive a verified FAFSA for LOANS | Summer: Aug. 16, 2024 Winter: Feb. 28, 2025 *No summer loans without continuous enrollment | Summer: Aug. 16, 2024 Spring: May 23, 2025 *No summer loans without continuous enrollment | Fall: Nov. 22, 2024 Spring: May 23, 2025 *No summer loans without continuous enrollment |
Last day for CCC to receive a verified FAFSA for GRANTS | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 | June 30, 2025 |
Last day for CCC to submit a correction | Sept. 9, 2024 | Sept. 9, 2024 | Sept. 9, 2024 |
Last day to pay/offer aid with a valid ISIR | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 | For a student receiving a late disbursement, the earlier of: —180 days after the date of the institution's determination that the student withdrew or otherwise became ineligible; or —September 20, 2025 |
When you accept your financial aid award, you agree to fulfill your obligations as a financial aid recipient.
- It is your responsibility to report additional resources (such as other financial assistance) and any changes to those resources to CCC's Financial Aid Office. If the receipt of additional resources results in an over award (financial aid and resources exceed your need or the cost of attendance), you may be required to pay back a portion of your financial aid received and financial aid for subsequent terms may be reduced.
- You are responsible for supplying complete and accurate information used to determine your eligibility for aid.
- You must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP).
- You must be admitted to CCC and be admitted and enrolled in a degree or certificate program, or be taking required preparatory coursework for admittance into a degree or certificate program.
- You must not have borrowed in excess of any Title IV loan limit.
- If you withdraw from school prior to finishing your classes, you may be expected to repay a portion of the financial aid disbursed to you.
- You are responsible for reporting any change in your enrollment status.
- When you have signed a promissory note for a loan, you are responsible for informing your loan servicer of changes in your name, address, Social Security Number and graduation date.
- If you are borrowing from the Federal Direct Loan program for the first time at CCC, you must complete Entrance Counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note.
- If you are awarded Federal Work Study and begin a job, you are expected to perform the work in a satisfactory manner.
- You must sign a Statement of Educational Purpose (included on the FAFSA) declaring that any aid funds received will be used for expenses related to attendance at CCC and that you owe no refund nor are you in default of any aid received for attendance at any institution.
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and ORSAA is available beginning October 1 each year for the upcoming academic year.
- FAFSA: Before you file, we recommend you set up an FSA ID.
- CCC Federal School Code: 004878
- Check the status of your electronic FAFSA at any time during and after the processing period. It is recommended that you check the status 1 week after submission if you used an FSA ID to sign your FAFSA application, or 2-3 weeks after submission if you printed, signed and mailed a signature page.
- ORSAA: The ORSAA is an alternative to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) for undocumented students in Oregon, including students with Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) status. The ORSAA gives students access to state grants and scholarships. Check your OSAC portal for award information and updates.
The U.S. Department of Education will send you information on how to access your Student Aid Report after your FAFSA is processed. The SAR will summarize the information you reported, will contain comments that will alert you if further information is required to process your FAFSA, and will state your preliminary EFC, Expected Family Contribution.
Review your SAR carefully. Be sure that Clackamas Community College (004878) is listed to receive your information.
The SAR will instruct you on how to make any needed corrections.
Approximately 30% - 50% of all applicants are selected for federal verification. If you are selected, you must submit all requested documentation in order for CCC to process your application. Requirements may be viewed on your Financial Aid - Self-Service.
The information collected may affect your financial aid offer and, in some cases, repayment of funds already received. No disbursement of financial aid funds will be given until the verification process is complete.
After submitting your FAFSA, we will receive your application information and begin to determine your financial aid eligibility. You can expect the following processing steps:
Financial Aid Enrollment Intent Form: CCC will request this form indicating that we have received your application. Returning the form indicates that you intend to seek financial aid from CCC.
Initial Review: CCC applications are processed in date order; once all requested documents are submitted your file will begin the review process. After your file has been reviewed, you will be notified through your myClackamas email account. You might be asked for additional documents, or your Award Offer (listing all eligible aid) will be ready. Please continue to monitor your myClackamas student email and Self Service for any correspondence from our office.
ORSAA students who are deemed eligible for state aid by OSAC will be automatically awarded and notified by the Financial Aid Office.
Whenever you receive a request for additional information from the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships, return the requested documents as quickly as possible.
If the information provided on your FAFSA has changed significantly for reasons beyond your control since you applied, contact the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships to find out if you are eligible to submit a Change In Financial Situation appeal. Appeals must include appropriate documentation to be considered.
Changes may include:
- Loss of employment
- Loss of untaxed income
- Death of a parent
- Unusual medical/dental expenses not covered by insurance
We do not accept or review Change in Financial Situation appeals until after your current year financial aid eligibility has been determined.
Completed documents can be submitted
- Electronically: saved PDF and JPEG files, via the Digital Drop Box
- Fax: 503-722-5864
- Mail:
- Clackamas Community College
Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships
19600 Molalla Ave.
Oregon City, OR 97045
- Clackamas Community College
1. Complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
At the time of the term's Census Date, you must be seeking a financial aid eligible degree or certificate, you must be registered in at least 6 or more degree applicable credits, not owe a repayment on an over-award, or be in default on Federal Direct Loans.
2. Review your Award Offer and accept any loans you wish to borrow
Complete the Entrance Counseling requirement if you're a first time borrower, submit a Master Promissory Note (one time requirement every 10 years).
3. Loan Changes?
To request a partial or full cancellation, submit a Change in Loan Status to the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships within 14 days of funding applied to your student account.
CCC participates in the William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan Program, which offers student loans through the federal government.
When you accept an offered Federal Direct Loan at CCC, you will borrow from the federal government and receive funds directly through CCC.
Federal Direct Subsidized and Unsubsidized Loans help cover the cost of higher education, up to certain annual and aggregate limits, at participating four-year colleges and universities, community colleges, and trade, career, and technical schools.
It is important that you carefully assess how much - or whether - you need to borrow since these loans must be repaid.
New Borrowers
First-time borrowers must wait 30 days for their first Federal Direct Loan disbursement. Your loan funds will be available as of the 31st day of the first term that you receive loans. Disbursement dates are listed on the Annual Disbursement Schedule.
Single Term Borrowers
Single-term borrowers must have their loans split into two equal disbursements. The first disbursement is scheduled for the beginning of the term (except first-time borrowers, see above) and the second disbursement is scheduled for the 50% point of the term.
Student Type | 1st Year < 45 qualifying credits | 2nd Year = or > 45 qualifying credits |
Dependent | $5,500 | $6,500 |
Independent | $9,500 | $10,500 |
When you graduate from CCC, leave school, or cease to be enrolled at least half-time, you must complete a Web-based Exit Counseling session with important information about your loan obligations.
It is your responsibility to complete the session. CCC will notify you when it's time to complete the exit counseling session.
Exit Counseling Guide for Federal Student Loan Borrowers
Federal Consolidation Loans allows you to consolidate (combine) multiple federal education loans into one loan. The result is a single monthly payment instead of multiple payments.
- Interest rate: A fixed rate for the life of the loan based on a weighted average of the interest rates on the loans being consolidated.
- Application Fees: None
- Origination Fees: None
- Prepayment Fees: None
As of July 1, 2010, all new consolidation loans are originated under the Direct Consolidation Loan program. Student borrowers can consolidate their qualifying federal education loans during grace, repayment, deferment or forbearance periods. Parent borrowers can consider consolidation at any time once each loan being included in the Consolidation loan has been fully disbursed.
If you have multiple student loans you may be able to combine them into one loan with a fixed interest rate based on the average of the interest rates on the loans being consolidated.
A Direct Consolidation Loan allows you to consolidate multiple federal education loans into one loan at no cost to you.
Through your completion of the free Federal Direct Consolidation Loan Application and Promissory Note, you will confirm the loans that you want to consolidate and agree to repay the new Direct Consolidation Loan.
Once the consolidation is complete, you will have a single monthly payment on the new Direct Consolidation Loan instead of multiple monthly payments on the loans you consolidated.
For more information, go to the Federal Student Aid Website: Consolidate your Federal Student Loans.
Private loans are designed to meet the gap between the student's financial aid package and the cost of attending college. These loans are offered by private lenders and may be more expensive than the Federal Direct Loan programs. You should always apply for federal student loans before using private lenders.
Compare the terms of the loans from several private lenders before choosing.
To apply for a private educational loan, you must provide all documentation requested by the lender and follow their application instructions. All private loan programs will do a credit check and/or an income-to-debt ratio check on either the borrower or co-signer or both.
Private loans are appropriate when:
- You have applied for the maximum amount of all federal loans suggested to you and still have a difference between the cost of attendance and the total financial aid you have received.
- You're ineligible for a federal loan. You may still qualify for a private loan because such programs are not bound by the same federal restrictions. For example, if you are not making Satisfactory Academic Progress, are in default on a federal loan, did not respond to verification requests, are enrolled for less than 6 credits, or are ineligible for federal loans for other reasons, you may be eligible for private loans instead.
- You are in arrears for a term prior to the current term. You may be able to receive a private loan for an earlier loan period.
Options and Restrictions
Some private loans do not have full deferment options. It is best to borrow only the amount that you absolutely require.
Private loans are for educational purposes only, which means you must be a registered student and the amount you borrow cannot exceed the cost of attendance minus other financial aid.
There are no maximum income restrictions. Individual lenders will evaluate credit history.
Application fees are not refundable.
Note: Clackamas Community College does not endorse or recommend any specific lender for Private Loans. Please make sure you do your research so that you can make the best decision for your education.
Award Offer
The award offer is an offer of the amount of funding you are eligible to receive, and is based on federal eligibility requirements, fund availability, and for some types of aid, your enrollment level, dependency status and year (first or second) in college. CCC’s award offer may include federal and state grants, federal student loans and federal work study. Awards may be subject to change in case of file updates.
Clackamas Community College (CCC) may adjust your award if:
- Your enrollment level changed
- You received an outside scholarship or other external funding
- There was a change in your Cost of Attendance
- You have not maintained Satisfactory Academic Progress
- You received or are receiving aid at another school
- There are regulatory changes in the aid programs
For the requirements of each type of aid, see Grants, Loans and Work Study
Disbursements, refunds and credit balances
Financial aid is disbursed during the third week of each term, following the Census Date; and then weekly thereafter. Your aid will be adjusted to your enrollment level as of the Census Date; and the actual amount of aid you will receive will be based on the number of degree applicable credits you are enrolled in as of that date. Funds will first be applied to your account to cover any tuition balance.
Students who have a remaining credit balance after all charges are paid by aid will receive a refund check mailed to them, usually the last business day of the week. Students can also opt to receive their refund via direct deposit. CCC does not hold a credit balance on behalf of students. If a credit balance exists after financial aid is disbursed, a refund will be issued within the same week.
Additional criteria to receive a refund check
- First-time borrowers of Federal Direct Loans are subjected to a mandatory 30-day waiting period.
- Single term loans must be disbursed in two equal disbursements. The first half after the term's Census Date and the second half at the midpoint of the term. Enrollment is verified at the time of each disbursement and you must be enrolled in a minimum of six (6) degree applicable credits.
- Financial aid disbursements are processed weekly.
- Any credit balance will be disbursed to you in the form of a check and mailed to the address on file, or direct deposited, if applicable, on the last business day of the week.
- Funding listed on the Award Offer is based on full time enrollment status (12 credits). Your aid will be adjusted to your enrollment level as of the Census Date; and the actual amount of aid you will receive will be based on the number of degree applicable credits you are enrolled in as of that date.
- If your award is not enough to cover all term charges, you must pay the difference by the term deadline or fees may be assessed.
How are refunds processed?
The Accounts Receivable Office issues refunds to students as follows:
- Financial aid disbursements are first applied to outstanding charges on the student’s account.
- If the credit is the result of a payment by check or cash, a check is issued in the student's name.
- If the credit is the result of a bank card payment, the refund will be applied to the original bank card.
Adding summer term
CCC’s award year begins with summer term. Adding summer term awards may adjust your funding since it is spread over four terms instead of the standard fall-winter-spring academic year.
Total withdrawal
Has something happened that you feel may prevent you from finishing your classes? Are you struggling with your classes and worried you are not going to pass them? Talk to the Financial Aid Office before you withdraw.
Repeat coursework
Although the CCC’s Academic Repeat Policy allows an unlimited repeat of courses, the following policy will apply when determining financial aid eligibility.
Federal regulations allow a student to receive financial aid from federal sources (Title IV aid) for only one repeat of a previously passed course. Therefore, financial aid eligibility will be reviewed if a student is repeating for the third time a course for which the student previously earned a passing grade. Depending on the results of that review, financial aid award amounts may require adjustment (e.g., if discounting the repeated course results in a change from full time enrollment). Passing grades for financial aid purposes are grades of A, B, C, D, I/A, I/B, I/C, I/D, or P. Students repeating failed coursework may receive aid for multiple attempts. Exceptions cannot be made for circumstances in which a student has not attained a required grade upon their second attempt for a given class or in order to meet grade point average requirements for graduation (e.g., prerequisite requirements or for courses which require a C grade or better).
Withdrawing from classes
You may have to repay all or part of your financial aid. The U.S. Department of Education regulations state that you have earned 100% of your financial aid if you have attended through 60% of the term.
If CCC’s financial aid office finds that you owe part or all of your financial aid back to the U.S. Department of Education, in many cases, the money is returned to the U.S. Department of Education by CCC, which results in you owing CCC.
CCC rules state that you must have any debt owed to the college paid before you can register for the next term or receive transcripts.
Withdrawals and return of Title IV funds (federal student aid)
It is the policy of Clackamas Community College to determine the amount of earned and unearned portions of Title IV aid as of the date the student ceases attendance in accordance with federal regulations and the Return of Title IV Funds process as dictated in Volume 5 of the Federal Student Aid Handbook. This policy applies to all students receiving Title IV funds who do a complete withdrawal on or before the 60% date of each term. For students who completely withdraw after the 60% date, CCC will still need to determine if they’re eligible for a post‐withdrawal disbursement according to federal regulations and the Federal Student Aid Handbook.
Title IV Refunds
Federal regulations require the college to have a fair and equitable refund policy for students receiving financial aid who officially or unofficially withdraw from all classes. Withdrawing or stopping attendance may result in financial debt for the student and may also make the student ineligible for future financial aid, including loans. We strongly urge students to consult with an academic advisor and/or financial aid staff to help them with decisions about withdrawing.
If a financial aid recipient withdraws from CCC before completing at least 60% of the term, federal regulations require that the "unearned" portion of any federal financial aid received be returned to the appropriate federal aid source. For example, a student who withdraws on the 24th day of the term will have "earned" approximately 31.2% of their aid (completed 24 days of a 77 day term). The remaining 68.8% must be repaid. Federal rules specify that repayment first apply toward federal loans, then federal grants. The return of state aid follows federal regulations.
Depending on the withdrawal date, the student may incur charges from CCC, the repayment of which the student is responsible. The unearned portion of financial aid that must be repaid has no relationship to any refund of tuition or fees that might be credited to the student's account.
If a student withdraws before the first day of classes, 100% of aid received must be returned to the appropriate source. If a student withdraws at any point in the term and the college determines that the student never attended classes, 100% of the aid received must be returned and college charges may be incurred.
At the time withdrawal documents are submitted, the student will be counseled about potential repayment obligations. The student will also be formally notified in writing of the amounts to be repaid by program and who is responsible for making the payment. Repayment of federal grant funds must be made to Clackamas Community College within 45 days of notification. If payment is not made, the student will need to establish a repayment plan with the Department of Education. Eligibility for additional aid is dependent upon the student repaying the grant(s) in full or abiding by the repayment plan. Loan funds are repaid in accordance with the terms and conditions of the promissory note.
If a student does not officially withdraw and fails to earn a passing grade in at least one enrolled course during the term, the Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships will verify if the failing grades were earned or were the result of non-attendance. If non-attendance is determined, the "unearned" calculation will be applied based on the last date of a documented academically related activity or the mid-point of the term.
Financial Consequences of Withdrawing or Not Passing Classes
Students receiving a “Y” (non-attendance) grade in any course will have their enrollment level revised and the portion of aid that included the non-attended course will be returned to the Department of Education and the student will be responsible for repayment in full. Loan recipients may lose all eligibility due to a non-attendance grade dropping their enrollment level below 6 credits as mandated by loan regulations.
Students receiving all “W” grades (unofficial withdrawal) will have their financial aid recalculated to the 50% mark of the term if no last date of attendance is submitted with grades.
Federal regulations assume that students earn financial aid over the course of a term by attending and participating in classes. Students cannot earn all of the funds unless they maintain attendance and class participation for more than 60% of the term. This calculation counts all calendar days including the first and last day of each term, weekends and holidays. If the student completely withdraws from all classes, receives all W, NP, F, I or Audit grades before 60% point in the term, the student may have to repay any unearned financial aid funds that were already disbursed.
In general, federal regulations assume that students “earn” federal financial aid in direct proportion to the percentage of the term they complete. If students completely withdraw during a term, the College calculates, according to a federally‐mandated formula, the portion of the total scheduled financial assistance earned, and therefore entitled to receive, up to the time of withdrawal. If the student or college receives more assistance than is earned, the unearned excess funds must be returned to the US Department of Education. On the other hand, if less financial assistance is received than the amount earned, additional funds may first be applied toward outstanding institutional charges and any excess paid to the student.
The portion of the Federal student aid the student is entitled to receive is calculated on a percentage basis by comparing the total number of days in the term to the number of days completed before withdrawing. For example, if 30% of the term is completed, the student earns 30% of the assistance scheduled to be received.
If a withdrawal occurs after the 60% date, the student will have earned all of the financial aid received and no Return of Title IV funds will be required.
If the student completely withdraws, earned aid will be calculated based on the percentage of the term completed, resulting in possible repayment of any unearned aid. Students are encouraged to search for resources to assist them in completing even one class, such as free tutoring.
Unearned financial aid will be applied and returned in the following order:
- Federal Direct Unsubsidized Stafford Loan*
- Federal Direct Subsidized Stafford Loan*
- Federal Pell Grant**
- Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant**
- Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant**
- Other (excluding Federal Work Study)
*Student repayment according to the terms and conditions of the promissory note
**No more than 50% of the amount received by the student.
The student will be notified in writing showing that portion of unearned aid the school will refund from institutional costs and that portion they will be responsible to repay.
The student will have 30 days from the date of the bill from CCC to pay the full amount owed. If the student fails to pay the amount shown the balance will be turned over to collections.
Withdrawal date
The date the student officially withdraws from all credit courses, which may be different than last date of attendance.
Unofficial withdrawal
When the student stops attending without officially withdrawing and receives a “W”, “F”, “NP” or “I” grade. At the end of each term, Financial Aid staff review last date of attendance records for students who did not officially withdraw. If this date is earlier than the official withdrawal date, it will be used in the Return of Title IV funds calculation.
For more information about the Return to Title IV Funds Policy, contact the CCC Office of Financial Aid and Scholarships.