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Harmony West

Harmony West features:

  • Three floors, 43,634 square feet
  • Eight classrooms
  • One large classroom with ability to partition to two classrooms
  • Chemistry lab and biology lab with lab preparation space
  • Two computer labs
  • A multipurpose space/community event space
  • Lobby, informal learning spaces
  • Support spaces: restrooms, furniture storage, conference room, faculty workroom, etc.
  • Bookstore
  • Project cost estimated at $16 million

Project Description

Harmony West allows CCC to continue to grow its Health Science, workforce development and general education offerings on the Harmony Community Campus. Students can now start and complete a number of academic career pathways at this location.

The $21.7-million project, which was completed fall of 2017, is funded through a voter-approved bond as well as an $8-million match from the state of Oregon.

Harmony West replaced the 61-year-old former OIT/Dale Ickes Junior High building. The new building is three floors and totals 43,634 square feet, featuring classrooms, labs, community event space and a bookstore.

The project was enrolled in the Energy Trust of Oregon’s Path to Net Zero Program, investigating smart, sustainable solutions for energy efficiency. It is designed to perform beyond the Oregon Energy Code requirements to meet carbon reduction, The 2030 Challenge, which challenges all new buildings be carbon-neutral by 2030.

This building is the first of four bond-funded projects at Clackamas Community College. Voters approved a $90-million bond measure in November 2014 to expand opportunities for students and to increase the skilled workforce in the community. Passage of the bond also resulted in CCC receiving $8 million in state matching funds for this project.

Fast Facts

  • The former OIT building used to be the Dale Ickes Junior High School, built in 1955.
  • Harmony West is enrolled in the Energy Trust of Oregon's Path to Net Zero Program, investigating smart, sustainable solutions for energy efficiency.
  • Harmony West is designed to perform beyond Oregon Energy Code requirements to meet carbon reduction, The 2030 Challenge, which challenges all new buildings and major renovations be carbon-neutral by 2030.
  • The 2,500-square-foot community room can serve large banquets or divide to create two additional classroom spaces. The community room opens to the south lawn and expands the venue to the outdoors.
  • The reclaimed wood salvaged during demolition of the OIT building was sent to Japan to be used for wood countertops and tables.

Harmony Visioning

In 2009, the Harmony Community Campus steering committee published the Harmony Community Campus Conceptual Master Plan. This plan has informed the development of Campus projects since then.

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