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Advanced College Credit (ACC) Instructor Resources

High School instructors are key to the success of our Advanced College Credit (ACC) program. We want to make sure you have the resources and tools you need to be a successful partner in the ACC program. Here you wil find information about the programs, policies and procedures that affect you and your students.

What is Advanced College Credit?

The ACC program operates under the state of Oregon’s High School Based College Credit Standards in both Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit. The ACC program is a partnership program between Clackamas Community College (CCC) and area high schools to offer high school students the opportunity to earn college credit while still in high school by taking articulated high school courses that align with courses at CCC, taught by approved high school instructors. ACC instructors must meet college credential requirements established by each instructional department and the courses must align with CCC course requirements and curriculum content. ACC Instructors are expected to read and follow the ACC Instructor Handbook that outlines program expectations and policies regarding being an ACC instructor.

The ACC program at CCC also operates with a focus on creating equitable systems for student participation. The program offers college courses/credits that apply to certificate and degree programs and have the best potential for transferability. It is important for students to thoughtfully, or intentionally register for college credit, that aligns with their future educational and career goals. Additionally, ACC students who register for credit are expected to read and follow the ACC Student Handbook.

Establishing a New ACC Articulation Request

In compliance with Oregon State Dual Credit and Sponsored Dual Credit Standards, CCC requires high school teachers to submit instructor credentials and course information to be reviewed by discipline specific college faculty. If approved, ACC articulation agreements are good for a three‐year period, unless there are changes to the course at the college or high school.

High school instructors interested in articulating in the ACC program must meet Departmental Specific Credential Criteria and demonstrate their course aligns with a course at CCC. To determine if there is a college course to align with, visit the online CCC Course Catalog for a complete listing of CCC course descriptions. It is up to each department to determine if a course is available to articulate in a high school. Once the course number is determined, please contact to request a copy of the CCC Course Outline. The course outline will provide the required course information such as, instructional hours, credits, required student learning outcomes and a major topic outline. The course to be articulated must meet these minimum requirements to align with the college course.

To initiate a new ACC articulation request, complete the online New ACC Articulation Application. As a part of the application, high school instructors will be asked to upload the following documentation in the application:

Credential documents

  • Current resume
  • Undergraduate and graduate transcripts
  • Other supplemental or relevant credential documentation such as certifications and/or credentials

Curriculum documents

Once an application is submitted, the CCC department chair and/or lead college faculty in the specific discipline area will conduct a review of credential and curriculum materials. If the CCC department chair approves the articulation request, a notification will be sent through to the high school administrator and high school instructor to electronically sign the articulation agreement and the articulation will be complete.

New ACC instructors are required to attend a new instructor orientation. This administrative orientation covers ACC program expectations, syllabi submission, grading and checking college rosters, student registration, access to instructor resources (e.g., professional development and library) and provide time to connect with CCC academic departments. The ACC Coordinator will be in contact with new instructors for their new instructor orientation.

ACC Articulation Request Submission Deadlines

ACC articulation requests must be submitted by the established deadlines in order to be considered for approval and student registration. The deadlines allow for time to review required documents and encourage collaboration between high school and college instructors. Deadlines also ensure that courses are approved and ready for students prior to registration opening.

If the articulation request is denied, feedback will be provided as to why the articulation was denied and what would be needed to reach instructor status or curriculum alignment for approval. ACC articulation agreements are good for a three-year period, unless there are changes to the course at the college or high school, which initiates an immediate review.

ACC Articulation Request Submission Deadlines

It is recommended to start the new articulation process well in advance of the last day to submit to ensure courses are approved and ready for registration in the desired start term.

Desired term to articulateLast day to submit Articulation Application
Fall 2024
May 17, 2024* for approval by end of 2023-24 year
Sept. 6 for approval by Fall 2024 registration
Winter 2025
Sept. 13, 2024
Spring 2025
Jan. 10, 2025
Fall 2025
May 16, 2025* for approval by end of 2024-25 year
Sept. 12 for approval by Fall 2025 registration
We understand that teaching assignments may change over summer break and that new teachers are hired. For new fall term requests that are needed due to summer shift, there is an additional September deadline. We will do our best to accommodate late requests, but articulation is not guaranteed past the deadline

ACC Articulation Workshops

ACC Articulation Workshops are designed to support high school instructors interested in articulating ACC courses. These drop-in workshops provide-assistance in completing required forms and documentation, an introduction to the ACC program and dual credit, and to answer any questions you may have about the articulation process. Registration is required to attend. See dates below or  view the ACC Articulation Workshop flyer to register.

ACC Instructor Resources

ACC program survey
Professional development opportunities
Annual ACC Teacher Meeting
ACC syllabi submission
ACC New Instructor Orientation
Articulation renewal

Are you a CCC faculty member?

CCC Faculty Resources

Advanced College Credit (ACC)
High School Plus (HSP)
Career Technical Education Pathways (CTEP)
Ashlee Tolleson

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High School Connections


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