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Rob Wheeler

Zone 2 - Happy Valley

Rob Wheeler

Zone 2 - Happy Valley

Rob Wheeler joined the Board of Education in 2017, representing the Happy Valley area. He has been a financial planner since 1994. He is the former mayor of Happy Valley, member and two-time chair of the North Clackamas County Chamber of Commerce Board, member of the CCC Bond Project Citizen Oversight Committee and member of the Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office Blue Ribbon Committee. He also served on the North Clackamas School District Five-year Strategic Planning Committee, the Sunrise Corridor Transportation Citizens Advisory Committee and the I-205 Light Rail Citizens Advisory Committee.

He has a Bachelor of Science in finance/law from Portland State University. Rob and his wife, Robin, live in Happy Valley and have lived in the county since 1994. Rob believes community college is an affordable steppingstone for higher education and provides occupational training desperately needed by the business community and for career advancement.

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