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Kick Off Summer at Summer Connections Celebration

Jun 8, 2022, 09:05 by CCC Staff

Summer Connections logo

OREGON CITY - Clackamas Community College, Clackamas County and the Clackamas County Equity Coalition are partnering to host Summer Connections, a family-friendly event celebrating Juneteenth, Pride Month and other cultural and community events.

The celebration will be Friday, June 17, 5:30-7:30 p.m., on the college’s Oregon City campus. There will be guest speakers, entertainment, children’s activities, booths and food. Participants will learn about the history of Juneteenth and Pride Month.

“I am elated the college is providing a space to commemorate Juneteenth and Pride Month while highlighting multiple other community groups and celebrations happening across our service district,” CCC Chief Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Officer Casey Layton said. “It takes connections to allow equity, inclusion and belonging to grow. Come as you are and join the fun.”

Special guests include CCC Associated Student Government President Madalena Larkins, Gladstone City Councilor Annessa Hartman, CCC faculty and vice-chair of Clackamas County Leaders for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Council Ernest “Tory” Blackwell, CCC Board of Education member Jane Reid, State Rep. Karin Power, Clackamas County Equity and Inclusion Officer Martine Coblentz and CCC President Dr. Tim Cook.

Summer Connections is a free event and is open to the public. Clackamas Community College is located at 19600 Molalla Ave., Oregon City. For more information, visit

Lori Hall

Media contact

Lori Hall

Public Information Officer



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