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Rep. Karin Power joins CCC Board of Education

Sep 23, 2022, 10:47 by CCC Staff

Karin PowerOREGON CITY -  Outgoing Rep. Karin Power was appointed to the Clackamas Community College Board of Education, representing Zone 1, Milwaukie, and took her oath of office during the Sept. 21 Board of Education meeting. She replaces Greg Chaimov, who stepped down from the board due to a planned move to Washington to be closer to his grandchild.

Power is the interim executive director of Business for a Better Portland, formerly served the community as a city councilor and has been a state representative for House District 41 for the past six years. She also has 10 years of experience in environmental law.

She is a graduate of Lewis & Clark Law School and Mount Holyoke College, and is a board member of the Oregon Food Bank, Basic Rights Oregon Equality PAC and the Spirit Mountain Community Fund. 

“The average CCC student is just a little bit younger than me, and we face the same soaring child care costs, difficulty accessing affordable care and aftercare, and having transportation as a major barrier to accessing classes,” Power said. “I’d love to help continue to represent my community in building CCC’s financial stability and post-pandemic future.”

Over the last several years, as a mom of two small kids, she has worked on policies to increase access to affordable child care and workforce development. Some of her proudest achievements include securing funding for the construction of unfinished Milwaukie parks and the successful passage of Milwaukie's library bond levy in 2016 to remodel Ledding Library. 

“The space I’m most interested in leaning into at CCC is helping parents, solo or otherwise, who are trying to make schedules work so they can pick up a degree, start a new career path, all while stringing together child care or other responsibilities to make ends meet,” Power said. “I would love to help bring their voices forward in our decision making, and to be a champion and hand on their backs in helping them forward.”

“We are fortunate at CCC to have Karin Power join our board,” CCC President Tim Cook said. “Her knowledge and experience at the legislature, her connections within her community and her passion to assist others will help advance the college and our ability to successfully serve students.” 

Rep. Power was the first LGBT woman elected to serve House District 41 and is the first LGBT woman on the CCC Board of Education. In her free time, she enjoys playing soccer with her kids and gardening.

Power will hold office until June 30, 2023, and will be eligible to run for a four-year term in the May 2023 election.

Lori Hall

Media contact

Lori Hall

Public Information Officer



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