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Community Members

Welcome to CCC! You don't have to be a student here to take advantage of our small business resources, student performances or personal enrichment classes like painting and yoga. There's always a lot going on our three campuses in Clackamas County. Community is our middle name and we're glad you're here.

Community education

Community Education has something for everyone. CCC joins with local partners to offer a variety of fun, enriching classes at schools and community centers near you. These low-cost classes range from aqua aerobics and basic computers to ukulele and yoga. Taking part in one of these lifelong learning opportunities is a great way to follow your passions; and thanks to a commitment from many community partners around the county, these noncredit classes are offered around your busy schedule.

Discounts for older adults

Learn more about our discounts for older adults.  Lower tuition rates start as early as your 62nd birthday.

Classes and their descriptions are available on our  Schedule of Classes page. If you would like to receive physical copies of each upcoming term's schedule of classes, please subscribe to our mailing list.

Health care on campus

Learn more about how community members can get health care on CCC's Oregon City campus. The Clackamas Free Clinic is open four days a week in its home in Clairmont Hall. The FemForward Health mobile ob/gyn clinic visits campus on the third Thursday of every month.

Farmers market

The Oregon City Farmers Market now has a home on CCC's Oregon City campus. Learn more on the Oregon City Farmers Market website.

The Oregon City Farmers Market partners with Farmers Market Fund to provide the Double Up Food Bucks program. Double Up Food Bucks provides matching funds for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, previously food stamps) participants to purchase even more fresh produce. For every dollar spent on SNAP-eligible foods at the Oregon City Farmers Market, Double Up Food Bucks participants receive an additional dollar to spend on regionally grown fruits and vegetables. For more information on the Double Up Food Bucks program, visit Double Up Food Bucks' website.

Need auto repair for your car?

Simply fill out our Automotive Repair Application. All vehicles used in our academic automotive programs are selected by instructors depending on their individual training needs. Contact Jessica Phelps at or 503-594-3049 if you have any questions.

View our quarterly community mailer

Winter 2025

Community Mailer cover art

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